After life changes, Samuel Stands Out at the Jiu-Jitsu Pan American
After just arriving in the United States, coming from twelve years of working in the Middle East, Samuel even fighting in a weight division above, got able to be amongst the best in the 2021 Pan American.
The Silvers Spurs Arena, in the surroundings of Orlando - Florida, held in the last September 2nd the Jiu-Jitsu Pan American, where the black belt Samuel H. Canquerino was present and did not disapoint.
Despite not being ranked which could guarantee him a better placement in the brackets, Samuel got into the Silvers Spurs, and overcame every opponent until the semi final.
There were three fights, where two were won by submission, until the semi final where in a leveled fight against Diego bispo (Ares JJ), ended up being stoped by two points.
A much valued bronze medal among the black belt master 2 middle weights!